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A white woman with short straight brown hair wearing a work vest with a flannel collar, brown shirt, and square glasses.

Riske Named State 4-H Livestock Coordinator

The University of Wyoming Extension recently appointed Ellie Riske as the state’s 4-H youth livestock coordinator. Previously, Riske served as an office associate at UW Extension’s state office in Laramie.
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A hummingbird being held in two hands. The hummingbird has a dark red neck, underneath which is a strip of white. Its head and body are green.

UW Researcher Studies Why Hummingbird Numbers Are Declining

Hummingbirds have long held a deep fascination with the public, whether being observed hovering and flitting their wings at amazing speeds around bird feeders or admired as symbols of love and peace. However, this important bird species is in decline worldwide, and a University of Wyoming researcher delved into the reasons—as well as possible ways to preserve hummingbirds in the future.
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A hilly open landscape divided into two areas. On the left, the landscape is yellow/brown with dots of green. On the right, the image is green with dots of blue-green. There is a very clear, straight dividing line between the two areas.

Registration Open for Virtual Invasive Grass Workshop

The Institute for Managing Annual Grasses Invading Natural Ecosystems (IMAGINE) is hosting a free virtual workshop Wednesday, April 3, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. MDT. Jeremy Maestas, national sagebrush ecosystem specialist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, says, “We have a generational opportunity to act now to save the sagebrush biome before it’s too late.”
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A white man in a well-fitted suit and a felt tan cowboy hat. He has gray hair and a short mustache.

UWAA Building a Better Wyoming Award: D. Michael Thomas

Michael Thomas is a living embodiment of what it means to be a Wyoming Cowboy. Born and raised in our great state, Thomas experienced the Wyoming way of life from a young age. In recognition of his work as a sculptor, Thomas has been awarded the Building a Better Wyoming Award from the UW Alumni Association.
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