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In Wyoming, “trampling” brings to mind an angry bull — but in the tropical rainforest of Panama, thousands of small insects trample across the forest floor, changing the entire dynamic of the ecosystem in their wake.

Eciton burchellii is a species of army ant that marches across the rainforest in swarms up to 30 meters across, sending prey species fleeing in every direction. The unfortunate prey is snatched up not just by the ants themselves, but by hordes of birds that follow swarms around in hopes of an easy lunch.

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A woman with fine shoulder length straight gray hair wearing a brightly patterned blouse.

Faculty Spotlight: Sarah Lee

Sarah Lee, assistant lecturer in the UW Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, knows better than most how to maintain strong connections in unconventional learning environments.

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Winter Care for Young Trees | From the Ground Up

Pruning Trees in Winter | From the Ground Up

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