For those interested in learning how to artificially inseminate cattle, the University of Wyoming Extension will offer a clinic Monday, May 13, through Wednesday, May 15, in Evanston. Participants who successfully complete the three-day program will receive certification to perform AI for hire.
Led by UW Extension beef specialist Shelby Rosasco and Fremont County Extension educator Chance Marshall, the clinic includes both classroom sessions and hands-on instruction at a local ranch. Both adults and youth are welcome to attend.

While the certification provides useful preparation for participants seeking to become AI technicians, “the real benefit in this class is to improve participants’ cattle operations by taking advantage of genetics and managing their calving seasons,” says Marshall.
The class costs $150 per person. Daily sessions will begin at 8 a.m. in the Uinta County Extension office, located at 228 9th Street in Evanston, and will conclude at 5 p.m. Lunch is provided.
To register for the clinic, visit or call the Uinta County Extension office at (307) 783-0570. Availability is limited, and participants will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Registration closes Wednesday, May 1.
Cattle will be provided by three local producers; attendees cannot breed their own animals at the clinic.
For more information, call (307) 783-0570 or email Uinta County Extension educator McKenna Julian at