Lately I have been lacking some serious motivation. I don’t know if it’s the nice(ish) weather, or the nearing of my senior classes, but no part of me wants to be doing school.

So, what do I do when I’m lacking motivation? I’d say about 30% of the time I procrastinate and take a nap. However, I don’t suggest that route. 2% of the time I seriously consider dropping out and the other 68% of the time, I tell myself that “I just have to keep on truckin’.”
Where did I pick up this semi-lacking motivation motivational phrase? I have no earthly idea. But for whatever reason, it works. Those three words-keep on truckin’-can single handily convince me to get off Tik Tok, grab my computer, and complete the work I so desperately need to do.
My GPA is forever grateful and indebted to the phrase.
So how does this relate to your school career and not just mine? You have to find your ‘keep on truckin’’. Maybe it’s ‘just keep swimming’ or something more along the lines of ‘get up you lazy sack of potatoes’, and while the latter is a bit aggressive, I won’t judge. Whatever your motivational statement is, trust me, you’ll need to use it. Just stay away from the trusty ‘it is what it is’ mentality.
Sincerely, an unmotivated student