Five private pesticide applicator classes are being offered in Park, Big Horn and Washakie counties during February and March.
“These classes are an opportunity for individuals to renew or obtain a private pesticide applicator license,” said Jeremiah Vardiman, University of Wyoming Extension educator based in Park County. “Any landowner who anticipates applying restricted use pesticides must acquire a private pesticide application license through this class, complete the take-home workbook, or pass the exam administered in the extension office, prior to purchasing and use of said pesticides.”

The class includes weed and pest district updates, worker protection standards, pest management, pesticide labels, pesticides in the environment, sprayer calibration, the license form and more. Class space is limited. Please RSVP in advance.
“This year we are recommending folks consider getting their license with the take-home workbook because of limited space in the classes due to COVID health policies,” said Vardiman.
Locations, dates and times are:
Big Horn County Weed and Pest, Greybull – Feb. 11, 8 a.m.-noon.
Park County Library, Grizzly Room, Cody – Feb. 16, 1-5 p.m.
Big Horn County Weed and Pest, Greybull – Feb. 23, 1-5 p.m.
Park County Fairgrounds, Homesteader Hall, Powell – March 4, 8 a.m.-noon.
Washakie County Extension Office, Worland – March 16, 9 a.m.
For more information or questions, to receive a take-home workbook, or reserve a class spot, contact the Powell UW Extension office at 307-754-8836.