Wildlife Projects Win Seed Grants From UW WyldTech Center

Four innovative projects that aim to use technology to help Wyoming wildlife have received seed funding from the University of Wyoming’s new WyldTech Center for Wildlife, Technology and Computing.A logo of WYLDTECH in black and white. A circle encompasses the words "Wyld Tech", which also contain a stylized bison. On the circle, the words "Center for Wildlife, Technology and Computing - University of Wyoming" are written.

WyldTech, a new center in UW’s Science Institute, is dedicated to using cutting-edge technologies, big data, and computational advances to conserve Wyoming wildlife. The inaugural 2024 seed grant competition aims to spur new interdisciplinary collaborations that advance the frontiers of knowledge, guide human-wildlife coexistence, and produce useful products for Wyoming and beyond.

The call for proposals, which drew a diverse array of submissions, closed June 15. After a rigorous review process, the selection committee named four winners:

“The first round of WyldTech seed grants represents a pivotal step in harnessing technology and innovation for wildlife conservation,” WyldTech Director Michael Dillon says. “These projects exemplify the kind of interdisciplinary, forward-thinking research that WyldTech was designed to support. We look forward to the impact these projects will have on wildlife conservation and management.”

About the University of Wyoming WyldTech Center for Wildlife, Technology and Computing

WyldTech leverages new technologies, big data, and computational advances to understand and conserve Wyoming’s wildlife on working and changing landscapes. By building inclusive spaces that support productive interdisciplinary collaborations, WyldTech broadens knowledge frontiers, guides human-wildlife coexistence management, and produces useful products for Wyoming and beyond. For more information, visit www.uwyo.edu/science-initiative/wyld-tech/index.html.

This story was originally published on UW News.

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