The meat industry wasn’t originally on this Texan’s radar when he first started college.
Not until he found out about the meat judging team while going to school at Texas A&M did Kyle Phillips find his passion.

Phillips moved to Wyoming in August to take over as the University of Wyoming meat lab manager. Previously, he had been working as assistant manager of Texas A&M’s Rosenthal Meat Science and Technology Center.
“He certainly had the right background for this position,” said Bledar Bisha, interim department head of animal science. “It was an easy choice for us.”
Phillips liked the hands-on application he learned from the meat lab while in school. He said he was excited to mix teaching and meat cutting and take on a role that would allow him to shape a program.
“A small group of us really have the chance to take the program and make something really cool and really big out of it,” said Phillips. “I think we have some really great goals with our meat science group.”
Phillips hopes to maintain a top-of-the line lab and facility to provide the best available meat science educational opportunities for students.
Bisha commented Phillips has a good understanding of what the meat laboratory stands for regarding research, teaching and extension.
“We are really interested in and talking a lot about some more extension and outreach opportunities,” said Phillips. “Being a small plant here ourselves, there is some talk about some resources we are wanting to try and put together for other small plants in the state of Wyoming.”
Bisha mentioned Phillips has a very good way about him about how he solves problems and cares for people. He has a strong background in meat judging and processing and understands how to work with students.
“We are very excited to have him on board,” said Bisha.