A herd of sheep on a grassy plain with wind turbines in the distance.

UW to Offer Seminar on Energy Development and Ranching Feb. 20

On Thursday, Feb. 20, the University of Wyoming College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources will facilitate a Ranch Management and Agricultural Leadership (RMAL) seminar in Evanston about managing energy development opportunities as a Wyoming producer.

The seminar is the second in UW’s 2025 RMAL seminar series, which offers networking opportunities and informs students and agricultural professionals about current issues in the Wyoming ranching industry.

The upcoming session, titled “Continuing the Legacy: Energy, Innovation and the Future of Ranching,” will take the form of a panel discussion. Panel members are Broadbent Ranch owner Vance Broadbent; Julian Land and Livestock owner Dave Julian; Sublette County Conservation District manager Mike Henn; and Department of Ecosystem Science and Management doctoral researcher Nicki Nimlos.

Broadbent and Julian will share advice about maintaining good working relationships with different agencies when grazing livestock on public lands that are also used for energy production and recreation. Henn will address facilitating conservation and collaboration between producers and energy development organizations on multi-use lands. Nimlos will discuss opportunities for ranchers in the carbon credit market.

The event will take place 5-7 p.m. at Evanston’s Historic Roundhouse & Railyards, located at 1500 Main Street. It will also be available via Zoom.

Community members can register for one or more RMAL sessions at https://bit.ly/rmal-series. UW and community college students can register by emailing Violett at rviolett@uwyo.edu. For community members and students not attending the program as part of a course, the cost is $25 per session.

Each session includes a free meal for registered participants who attend the seminar in person.

Following the RMAL session in Evanston, UW will host two additional seminars this spring, available in person and via Zoom. Topics, dates, and locations are below. For more information, visit bit.ly/rmal-series.

Continuing the Legacy: Energy, Innovation and the Future of Ranching — Evanston Roundhouse, Evanston, Feb. 20, 5-7 p.m.
Wyoming AgVentures: Exploring Agriculture, Agritourism and Ranch Life — Northwest College, Powell, April 3, 5-7 p.m.
Ranching Stewardship at High Elevation: Opportunities & Challenges — Laramie Research and Extension Center, Laramie, April 17, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Contact RMAL Associate Director Randall Violett at rviolett@uwyo.edu or (307) 766-4239 with questions.

Those who participate in the second 2025 RMAL seminar may also be interested in UW Extension’s Southwest Wyoming Ag Day, a free educational event that will take place at the Evanston Roundhouse from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 20.


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