UW Extension to Offer Geodesic Dome School in Fort Washakie

For those interested in learning how to build a geodesic dome greenhouse, the University of Wyoming Extension has partnered with the Wyoming Department of Agriculture to offer a free four-day class in Fort Washakie starting Monday, Aug. 19.

Geodesic domes are a great option for Wyoming residents looking to extend the growing season and shelter their crops from snow, hail, and wind, says UW Extension specialist Jeff Edwards, who leads dome construction schools across the state. These hands-on multi-day events are intended for individuals who would like to build their own dome from scratch—or who just want to learn something new, he explains.

geodesic dome frame with dark brown wood and yellow wood beams, internal raised beds with irrigation system  and small pile of black tubing in front. The dome is surrounded by chainlink fence with trees on the other side of the fence
UW Extension specialist Jeff Edwards and a group of volunteers constructed a geodesic dome greenhouse, complete with raised beds and an irrigation system, at UW’s ACRES Student Farm in Laramie last month. On Aug. 19, Edwards will lead a dome build at Sho Rap Lodge in Fort Washakie. Photo by Kali McCrackin Goodenough.

The upcoming class covers each step of the dome construction process, from raw materials to a completed 22-foot structure outfitted with raised beds and an irrigation system. “You will learn all aspects of building a dome, including the safe use of tools, jigs, and the fabrication of parts and pieces,” says Edwards.

The Fort Washakie dome-building school will be hosted by UW Extension’s Cent$ible Nutrition Program and constructed at Sho Rap Lodge, located at 36 Driskell Lane. The event begins at 1 p.m. Aug. 19 and runs 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 20–22.

The first two days will focus on preparation and initial assembly of dome components; day three will cover dome assembly, raised bed construction and installation of the irrigation system. On the last day of the school, participants will skin the dome and construct additional raised beds around the dome’s outside perimeter. Plans are subject to change depending on weather.

Participants are asked to wear close-toed shoes and bring their own work gloves.

For those unable to attend the Fort Washakie event, geodome builds will be held in Cheyenne, Cody, and Chugwater in the fall. All programs are funded through a USDA specialty crop grant provided by the Wyoming Department of Agriculture.

For more information on the upcoming build in Fort Washakie, contact Cent$ible Nutrition educator Billie Spoonhunter at wspoonh1@uwyo.edu or (307) 335-2872. For more information on geodome construction, contact Edwards at jedward4@uwyo.edu or (307) 837-2956.

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