New 4-H Educator Joins UW Extension’s Albany County Office

The University of Wyoming Albany County Extension office welcomes Amanda Dougherty as its new 4-H youth development educator.

Most recently, Dougherty worked as a research associate at UW’s EPSCoR (Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) program and the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management.

Smiling white woman with short red hair wearing black shirt
Amanda Dougherty

Dougherty enjoys sharing knowledge and inspiring youth and adults to get excited about science. Since 2016, she has volunteered with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department as a hunter education instructor. She has also led outreach and educational workshops for the first Wyoming seed bank, which she co-founded.

Dougherty’s scientific expertise and volunteer work is complemented by her lifelong interest and background in agriculture. She is a third-generation farmer raised on a dairy farm in northern Illinois and, to this day, she runs a small hobby farm in Laramie.

Dougherty says, “Working in laboratories has taught me how to problem solve, be resilient, and how to find reliable information, all of which I can bring to my new role. I am excited to become a part of the thriving 4-H community in Albany County and learn how the program can grow and change to meet the needs of its members.”

Dougherty earned her bachelor’s degree in biology and biochemistry from Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois, and achieved her Ph.D. in animal and veterinary sciences at the University of Wyoming.

“Amanda’s experience in natural resources and working with volunteers will be beneficial to Albany County,” says Mandy Marney, senior associate director of UW Extension. “She brings enthusiasm and innovation to the position. We are excited to see the great things she accomplishes.”

Dougherty began her work with UW Extension on July 5. She can be contacted at or (307) 721-2571.

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