Topics ranging from equine health to heifer development are part of Wyoming-Utah Ag Day Tuesday, Jan. 26, in Evanston.
Sessions are 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 12:30-3 p.m. at the Roundhouse facilitated by the Uinta County office of the University of Wyoming Extension and Utah State Extension. Presenters are from UW Extension and Utah State Extension.
No meal will be served due to COVID restrictions. Attendees can bring their own food and come and go as they want throughout the day.
Sessions 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. include:
* GPS and genomic testing, GPS ear tags, farm and ranch succession planning
* Equine dentistry, equine vaccinations, equine nutrition
* Improving winter feed
* What feed and mineral programs work for you as a producer
* Estimating cattle distribution on rangelands
Sessions 12:30-3 p.m. include:
* Synovex-One (220 day) suckling calves, sunn hemp as cover crop, rotation versus continuous grazing
* Heifer development
* Hay market outlook and hemp progress
* Ten common yard problems in western Wyoming
* Range management, grazing, UW Extension’s no-till drill, effects of predation on livestock
For more information, contact UW Extension educator Hudson Hill at 307-885-3132 or