A free eight-week, team-based health program to increase physical activity and improve eating habits begins Oct. 11 through the University of Wyoming Extension.
FitEx is designed to help start and maintain healthier lifestyles. More about the program is at https://www.parcilab.org/fitex. FitEx is inclusive of all people, including those with a range of physical and intellectual abilities.
Registration is Oct. 1-9 by visiting http://fitex1.cs.vt.edu/#/register and selecting your county. Participants can create a team of five (friends, family or co-workers) and select a team captain and name. There will be a contest for the best team name.
Contact Denise Smith, UW Extension nutrition and food safety extension educator, at desmith@uwyo.edu if you would like to compete but can’t find enough members for a team of five. She may be able to combine participants to create a team, but individuals can also participate.
Goals can be set for how many miles a team will finish in eight weeks. A FitEx mile is equal to 1 mile walking or running or any 15-minute bout of moderate physical activity such as an aerobics class. Teams can also set goals for how many cups of fruits and vegetables they will eat during the eight weeks.
Sign in to FitEx at www.fit-ex.org starting Oct. 11 to log the number of miles and cups of fruits and vegetables eaten every day or once a week.
Teams can view the FixEx tracking charts to see how they are doing to reach their goals and compare their progress to other teams across Wyoming and some across the country.
“With this self-monitoring, feedback and awareness, FitEx can help Wyomingites start and maintain a healthy lifestyle,” said Smith.
Facebook posts, newsletters, feedback, competition for motivation and prizes for the winning team are part of the program, commented Smith.
A FitEx Facebook Live presentation Oct. 21 features a fun physical activity and healthy snack demonstrations, she said. The competition ends Dec. 5.
Smith advised speaking with a healthcare provider if you have questions about safe and appropriate activities for you and/or your team members. Contact the research team at program@fit-ex.org to discuss any needs for yourself or a team member.
Contact Smith for more information.