Emergency assistance for renters and homeowners is available for Wyoming residents affected by the COVID-19 crisis.
Wyoming’s program is open to all Wyoming residents who have experienced a loss of income due to COVID-19, said Cole Ehmke, the personal finance specialist with University of Wyoming Extension.
“The program opened in June with an allocation of $15 million of Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding,” Ehmke said. “So far, much of the money is still available, and there is now likely increased need with the end of the $600 weekly boost in unemployment benefits from the U.S. government.”
Wyoming Community Development Authority (WCDA) is managing the application process for the Wyoming Emergency Housing Assistance Program (WEHAP).
Applicants must pay 10 percent of their monthly gross income toward their rent or mortgage, and the assistance program will pay the rest, up to $3,000 a month, said Ehmke.
The assistance is directly paid to a landlord or mortgage company, who must complete paperwork to accept the payment. Funds may be applied to rent or mortgage payments from as early as April 2020. Asset and income restrictions apply.
“Applicants will want to gather information for the application such as documentation of income and housing expenses,” Ehmke said.
The program can be accessed at the WCDA website www.wyomingcda.com. A calculator and an FAQ for the program are available online. A print application is also available.
For assistance completing the WEHAP application, contact the WCDA at WEHAPHelps@wyomingcda.com or 1-307-253-1089.