Brucellosis, biosafety level 3 lab updates part of Governor’s Brucellosis Coordination Team meeting

Portrait of man
Bruce Hoar

The Governor’s Brucellosis Coordination Team will meet 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 23, via a Zoom conference call.

Participants can view the session and provide written questions and comments prior to adjournment. The Zoom link is

The Wyoming State Veterinarian will provide an update of brucellosis surveillance and other activities. Current brucellosis cases in cattle and bison herds in Montana and Idaho will be discussed.

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department will present results of their 2020-2021 surveillance for hunter-harvested and feedground elk.

University of Wyoming researchers will update their work on diagnostic tests and the status of the biosafety level 3 facility at the Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory.  Relevant activities occurring during the recent legislative session will also be presented.

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