- The people you meet. Being on both the livestock and wool judging teams throughout my time at UW has allowed me to meet some of my best friends. Not to mention, the connections that I have made through meeting producers, industry leaders and traveling across the country. It doesn’t only help grow your personal and professional connections, but it gives you many different perspectives on life!
Courtney Newman, Ag Ambassador. - The decision-making skills. One of the very many life skills that being a part of a judging team teaches you is decision-making. Not only do you have to make an educated and quick decisions and be confident in them, but you also have to defend your decision through-out the reasons process.
- The public-speaking skills. If giving oral reasons teaches you one thing, it’s how to be a good public speaker, a skill which will assist you in all aspects of life. Whether it be nailing an interview, getting an A on a presentation in class or just simply talking to someone in a grocery store, judging kids always excel!
- Mental toughness. Being on a judging team isn’t for the faint of heart. There are early morning and late-night practices, balancing judging and schoolwork, being on the road for weeks at a time and lots of time in the car! But throughout these trials and tribulations, you will build a mental toughness, which will provide benefit in a variety of situations throughout your life.
- You will become a better person. Being on a judging team not only teaches you so many life skills, but the mental toughness and friendships created are sure to make you a well-rounded person!