A new season of interactive Zoom/Facebook Live sessions begins Jan. 29 with hosts and expert guests offering information and answering questions on a number of resource topics in Wyoming.
Barnyards & Backyards Live! is presented by a team from the University of Wyoming Extension and partner organizations on such topics as growing trees, vegetables, fruit and flowers, keeping horses healthy, feeding birds, reducing wildfire risk and more.
All sessions are 10 a.m. Fridays. The show schedule is at https://bit.ly/BBWYLive.
Viewers can interact with the hosts and guest speakers. Shows are recorded for later viewing, and related materials are made available.
“The Barnyards and Backyards Live! is a new creative twist on virtual program delivery because it provides educational information in a casual conversation with the hosts and guest speakers, and also allows participants of the show to ask their specific questions,” said Jeff Edwards, extension pesticide safety education program coordinator and team member.
Partners are the Wyoming State Forestry Division, Wyoming Conservation Districts, Wyoming Weed and Pest Council, Audubon Rockies, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Wyoming Department of Agriculture.
Those who can’t view the show live but have questions they’d like recorded answers for can type them in the comments before the show on the show posts on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/BarnyardsBackyards/ or email them to barnyardsbackyards@uwyo.edu.
More than 35 shows were presented in 2020. Their recordings are available at http://www.uwyo.edu/barnbackyard/ under News for the Season.