A switchgrass publication series is available from the University of Wyoming Extension.

Three bulletins can be downloaded as a PDF, HTML or ePub format at www.uwyo.edu/uwe under Publications searchable under B-1360.
The fact sheet series is based on Eilish Hanson’s master’s thesis and explores the potential for growing switchgrass as a bioenergy crop in our region, said Selena Gerace, extension specialist.
Is Growing Switchgrass Economically Feasible explores the economics of growing switchgrass in the Upper Missouri River Basin.
Crop Enterprise Budget: Conventional Dryland Switchgrass explains the crop budget for a switchgrass operation in the Upper Missouri River Basin.
First and Second Generation Biofuels explains switchgrass as a biofuel.
Gerace said there currently isn’t a demand for switchgrass as a bioenergy crop but there is potential.