The University of Wyoming horse judging team won the collegiate division of the U.S. National Arabian Horse Show in Tulsa, Okla., in its first competition of the season Friday, Oct. 25.
“This was the first time UW had ever been to that particular contest,” said team coach Lacey Lindsay. “We made our debut, and the team was awesome.”
Six teams of five members each and 40 individuals competed in the collegiate division.
Results were:
First overall, first in performance, second in halter and third in reasons
Tanner Sperle, Parker, Colo., first in performance, second overall
Mikaela Moore, Ranchester, second in reasons, fourth in performance, ninth in halter, fourth overall
Hannah Jankovsky, Cheyenne, seventh in halter, seventh in reasons, eighth in performance, seventh overall.
Josey Bailey, Moorcroft, fifth in performance
Kaylee Davis, Johnstown, Colo., fourth in halter, eighth in reasons, 13th in performance, eighth overall.
Lindsay thanked Kendra McConnell, Denver, and Katie Ogden, Laramie, for their extra help and expertise and also team sponsor Kimes Ranchwear.
The team competes Nov. 16 at the American Quarter Horse Association World Championship in Oklahoma City.
“That’s a bigger contest and generally harder, but I think the burst of energy the team got from this contest will carry over in their confidence level to help us have a pretty good show,” said Lindsay.