Those interested in community leadership will be intrigued by the latest installment of the University of Wyoming’s Ranch Management and Agricultural Leadership (RMAL) 2024 seminar series to be held in Powell Monday, April 1. The seminar, hosted by Northwest College, is titled “Leading the Field: Family-Run Businesses, Industry, and Community Leadership.” It addresses everything from successional planning to finding ways to work together in a family-owned business.

Members of the family business Northern Broadcasting and its subsidiary Northern Ag Network are the featured speakers for this seminar. Taylor Brown, current president and co-owner of the Northern Ag Network, is a national leader in the field of agricultural broadcasting. Courtney Brown Kibblewhite is the vice president of Northern Broadcasting and leads the sales and marketing team. Colter Brown is the ag director of Northern Ag Network.
“I hope participants will walk away from this workshop understanding the amount of leadership and dedication it takes to make a family-owned business prosper for future generations,” says Randall Violett, associate director of UW’s RMAL program.
The event begins at 5 p.m. in Northwest College’s Yellowstone building and is also available via Zoom. For community members and students not seeking academic credit, the cost is $25 per session. Dinner is provided. To register, visit
The upcoming seminar is the third session of an educational series facilitated by the UW College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources in partnership with community colleges across the state. Events are designed to give producers and students relevant and practical information about agricultural topics in Wyoming.
Following the event in Powell, UW will host an all-day leadership symposium Monday, April 22, in Laramie. The symposium, titled “Navigating Western Waters: Addressing Water Challenges in the Western Region,” will wrap up the 2024 seminar series. For more information, visit