When you hear the word Wyoming many people think of a country bumpkin who only cares about farming and ranching. After telling people you go to the University of Wyoming, they often ask why you would choose such a school, but unbeknown to them, the University of Wyoming is more than just a school that teaches agriculture. In fact, the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources is one of the smallest colleges within the University.

After arriving at the University I was not entirely sure that I was meant to be here. I truly loved the campus, it’s so beautiful, as well as the difficulty and diversity of the classes offered, but to be honest, I just never felt at home. Coming from a small town out in the country a lot of people just automatically assume that you’re from a family that is involved in the agriculture world whether it be farming or ranching. This was not the case for me, I come from a family that is evenly split between those who would rather live in the city, my mom and sister, or those who enjoy living out in the country, my dad and myself.
When I was trying to decide if I wanted to apply to an in-state college like Colorado State University or the University of Wyoming the decision was surprisingly easy for me. I realized right away that I was not going to be happy going to a college in a big town with so many people and I knew I would be more comfortable in a small college town with fewer people that had lots of things to do involving the outdoors. Now don’t get me wrong Colorado has lots of things to do outside but the fact that Laramie is surrounded by nature in any direction you travel was just the ticket.
However, for the first few months of my freshman year I didn’t venture out of my dorm room very often, I think it was just nerves, but one day that all changed. One of my new friends that lived on my floor convinced me to go to the UW Ranch Horse Team practice with her and from that first night, my college life changed. The team was so welcoming and they tried to include me in any way possible even though I didn’t have a horse yet. Eventually, after getting my own horse, I was able to join the team and I quickly came to realize that no matter if you grow up doing something your whole life or if you just started, someone will always be there to encourage you and help you in any way possible. After joining the team, I actually met a lot of other people studying agriculture and even recognized some of them in my classes, which helped me to start up conversations. I was starting to truly open up and I even formed new friendships outside my dorm, but best of all I began to feel like I was at home. I finally realized that I was where I was supposed to be, at the University of Wyoming.
I highly encourage everyone that is in the College of Ag to seek out clubs and find classmates with similar interests as you. Even if you have never done something before and just want to see what it’s about, give it a try! Joining a club can help you feel more at home and like me, you just might find something you were born to do!