The University of Wyoming Extension and its Cent$ible Nutrition Program (CNP) have compiled gardening information on the new COVID-19 webpage.
To find these gardening resources visit bit.ly/uwyo-extension-covid and find the “Gardening and Growing Food” tab listed under the individuals and self-sufficiency block.
“This serves as a hub that we’ve pulled stuff relevant to what’s going on right now,” said Kali McCrackin Goodenough, CNP marketing coordinator.
Tips on what to grow in Wyoming, starting seeds indoors, growing your own foods, vegetable and herb gardens and extended growing season tips are provided.
Including gardening, the page links to a variety of resources such as news updates, national and state resources and information regarding sanitation and cleaning. Also provided are resources for individuals and self-sufficiency by providing links to at-home activities, community resources, food resources in Wyoming, personal finance and public assistance programs.
Resources for businesses and organizations and additional ideas for food, safe food handling and pantry supplies are also available.