Alfalfa production seed to harvest is the focus of the Wyoming Forage Field Day Thursday, May 30, in Powell.
Morning information sessions are at the Park County Fairgrounds, 655 E. 5th, and afternoon workshops are at the Powell Research and Extension Center (PREC). University of Wyoming Extension forage specialist Anowar Islam coordinates the annual event.

“The event is farmer-focused, especially for those who want alfalfa and improved forages in their cropping/animal production systems and improve their yield, quality and profitability,” said Islam.
Registration begins at 8 a.m. with refreshments followed by a welcome at 8:30. Lunch is provided, but those planning to attend are asked to RSVP by May 27.
The schedule includes:
8:45 a.m. – Optimizing Alfalfa Production and Quality: From Seed to Harvest
9:30 – Alfalfa Research in Wyoming
9:45 – New Highly Digestible Alfalfas: An Update
10:10 – Vendor show
10:45 – Irrigation Management: System Maintenance and Economics
11:10 – Alfalfa Weevil Management Updates
11:35 – Utilizing Forage Soybeans for Silage and Haylage
Noon-1:10 p.m. – Lunch and vendor show
1:10 – Travel to PREC
1:15 p.m. – PREC highlights
1:20 – Managing Weeds in Hay
1:45 – Fertility Requirements for Silage and Field Corn
2:10 – Center Pivot Management
2:35 – Demonstration of Insect Scouting in Alfalfa
To RSVP, contact extension educator Jeremiah Vardiman at 307-754-8836 or at, Islam at 307-766-4151 or, or go to the registration site