Two department heads have been named in the University of Wyoming College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, according to Barbara Rasco, dean of the college.
Associate professor Bledar Bisha, who has been serving as interim head in the Department of Animal Science, has been named head of the department. Professor Jay Gatlin in the Department of Molecular Biology has been named head of that department.
Bisha received his master’s and his doctorate in food science and technology from Iowa State University in 2004 and 2009, respectively. He received his postdoctoral training in food microbiology at Colorado State University from 2009-2013, when he joined UW. More about Bisha is here http://www.uwyo.edu/anisci/personnel-directory/wyoming-faculty-and-staff/bledar-bisha1/index.html.
Gatlin received his doctorate in cell and molecular biology from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in 2005 and was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill until 2010, when he joined UW. More about Gatlin and links to his laboratory is at http://www.uwyo.edu/molecbio/faculty-and-staff/jay-gatlin1/index.html.