A one-stop shop for resources to help the public during COVID-19 has been created by the University of Wyoming Extension and its Cent$ible Nutrition Program (CNP), said David Keto, UW Extension manager for communications and technology..
The website is at bit.ly/uwyo-extension-covid.
CNP has been working hard to gather content for this website from across all of extension that may benefit all Wyomingites during this pandemic. The page is linked from UW Extension’s homepage and offers a variety of resources particularly relevant during the current crisis, he said.
The page offers general resources such as news updates, national and state resources and information regarding sanitation and cleaning, Keto said. It also provides resources for individuals and self-sufficiency by providing links to at-home activities, community resources, food resources in Wyoming, gardening and growing food, personal finance and public assistance programs.
Resources for businesses and organizations and additional ideas for food, safe food handling and pantry supplies are also available. It does not replace any of the existing extension websites, said Keto.
I would like to thank Kali McCrackin Goodenough, Ann Tanaka, and Lindsay Hadfield for helping create this website and helping share many of the great information Extension has to offer.
“I want to thank Kali McCrackin Goodenough, Ann Tanaka and Lindsay Hadfield for helping create the website and helping share many of the great information extension has to offer,” said Keto.