Evening cooking with ancient grains courses are being offered in multiple locations across the state starting in March.
“In these hands-on workshops, participants will learn about cooking and baking with einkorn, emmer and spelt and about some of the benefits of incorporating these ancient wheats into a modern diet,” said Caitlin Youngquist, University of Wyoming Extension northwest area educator.
Courses start at 5:30 p.m., and the cost for each class is $10. The dates, locations and contact information to register for each class are:
- March 18 – Afton Civic Center, 307-885-3132
- March 26 – Newcastle High School, 307-746-3531
- April 1 – Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension Center (SAREC), Lingle, 307-837-2000
- April 16 – Niobrara County Fairgrounds, Lusk, 307-334-3534
- May 13 – Sublette County Extension Office, Pinedale, 307-885-3132
The Wyoming First-grains Project is a research and economic development effort of the University of Wyoming with field trials on five farms and three research stations across the state. More information about the project is at neolithicbrand.com.