In a tradition spanning more than four decades, Fremont County’s 41st annual Farm and Ranch Days will take place Wednesday-Thursday, Feb. 5-6, at the county fairgrounds in Riverton.

This year’s event boasts more than 25 educational presentations on topics ranging from invasive weeds and wildfire recovery to federal grazing permits and conflict mediation.
“What sets Farm and Ranch Days apart is it has so many different sessions, so many different things going on at once. It’s definitely an ingrained tradition here,” says Chance Marshall, Fremont County extension educator.
Sessions begin at 9 a.m. and conclude at 2:45 p.m. Free lunch, funded by sponsors and prepared by the Fremont County CattleWomen, will be provided both days.
Speakers include experts from Fremont County Weed and Pest District, the Wyoming Department of Agriculture, Farm Credit Services of America, Wyoming Wool Growers Association, and the Wyoming State Veterinarian’s office, as well as UW Extension educators and local ranchers.
On Wednesday morning, several Riverton FFA members will present on “Ag Issues Today.” Other speakers will address Palmer amaranth in Wyoming, agricultural leases, agricultural marketing, calving, cattle backgrounding, alfalfa variety selection, federal grazing permits, mental health, and more. At lunch, James Nygren from Farm Credit Services of America will provide an update on legislative affairs.
Thursday’s presentations cover risk management, ag lending and insurance, invasive weeds, wildfire recovery, new technologies in sheep production, local foods, conflict management, and animal disease traceability. At lunch, UW Extension specialist Rob Ziegler will discuss cattle and sheep market outlooks.
For attendees seeking to obtain or renew their private pesticide applicator licenses, a four-session program will be offered 9 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Participants must bring a government-issued ID, such as a driver’s license, and attend all four sessions to apply for a private applicator license.
For a full program of events, visit Contact UW Extension’s Lander office at (307) 332-2363 or Riverton office at (307) 857-3654 with questions.
For participants interested in evening programming, the UW Ranch Management and Agricultural Leadership Program will offer its first 2025 seminar Thursday 5-7 p.m. in Riverton. The cost is $25 and dinner is provided. More information can be found at